

In its partial judgment of 12 February 2014 the regional court in Munich (Landgericht München I) prohibited the online book store “” from reproducing and distributing articles and excerpts thereof based on reviews published by the  “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung”. The judgment has repercussions for the entire industry’s future usage of reviews. Therefore the German Publishers and Booksellers Association’s legal department has published terms and conditions which we have made the basis for the dispatch of our reviews.

The rules and regulations can be found here

By ordering issues of our reviews you automatically accept the terms and conditions published by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association.


Reviews can be conveniently ordered by e-mail or fax. As long as you provide the information about the newspaper, magazine or sender for which you are ordering the review, our press agent will be more than pleased to send you free issues. After publication please send the agency a receipt by post or email.


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